I've been highlighting elements of my books that are related to Mary. Today it's The Loyola Kids Book of Catholic Signs and Symbols.
Of course, the wealth of Marian imagery in Catholic tradition is...beyond one book. Especially one relatively short, basic children's book. But here's some of what we have.
Remember the structure of the book. Each entry has three parts - an illustration, a brief definition/explanation under that illustration, and then on the facing page, a more detailed explanation suitable for older children.

Mary and the Christian Life
Salve Regina
Ave Maria and Memorare
Of course, the wealth of Marian imagery in Catholic tradition is...beyond one book. Especially one relatively short, basic children's book. But here's some of what we have.
Remember the structure of the book. Each entry has three parts - an illustration, a brief definition/explanation under that illustration, and then on the facing page, a more detailed explanation suitable for older children.

Mary and the Christian Life
Salve Regina
Ave Maria and Memorare