In him the Old Testament finds its fitting close. He brought the noble line of patriarchs and prophets to its promised fulfillment. What the divine goodness had offered as a promise to them, he held in his arms. - from a homily of St. Bernardine of Siena.
Some images for you, first from the Loyola Kids Book of Signs and Symbols by Amy Welborn . Recall the structure: left side page has an image and a basic description. Right side page goes into more depth.

Secondly, the first and last page of the entry on Joseph's dream from the Loyola Kids Book of Bible Stories. First page, to give you a sense of the narrative style and the image, the last page, to help you see how each entry concludes: circling around to some aspect of Catholic practice or teaching, along with a reflection question and a prayer prompt. Also remember that the stories in this book are organized according to when they would generally be heard in Mass during the liturgical year. So this story is in the "Advent" section. Also, links go the publisher's site, not to Amazon.

Next, a vintage holy card from the Shrine of St. Joseph in Montreal that interests me because it predates the construction of the large basilica:

From the Oratory of St. Joseph in Montreal.
I just love the blues on the card below and the not-quite Art-Noveauishness of it.

At the shrine featured in the vintage holy cards. Summer 2011.
The sign says "Reserved for pilgrims climbing on their knees."