A meditation by Amy Welborn from Living Faith:
Before the LORD, for he comes;
Advent approaches, and as we draw near to that season, the Scripture readings are all about the last things: death, judgment and eternity. These can be frightening to contemplate, subjects we might rather avoid. But we can’t. Here they are, presented to us in God’s Word. And, if we are honest, here they are in the ebb and flow of our lives.
The Lord comes, and perhaps we tremble. A healthy fear of the Lord is, indeed, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But the lovely irony of this time—the surprise ending that is no secret at all—is that all of these portents, these mighty and overwhelming signs, lead to the Lord. For those who persist, those who put their fear and pride aside, are, indeed, led to the Lord—ruling from a manger in Bethlehem.