Friday, February 14, 2025

Amy Welborn's Substack

   Amy Welborn has a Substack site on the experience of being Catholic in the years after Vatican II. 

Here is a post on prayer:

When I went to college and was involved in campus ministry and beyond. We prayed spontaneously before meetings and gatherings, we wrote our own Stations of the Cross for Lent, we composed our versions of the Gloria, our own petitions for the penitential rite. As young Catholics in community, we never prayed the rosary, we knew no formal or traditional prayers. I’ll also mention that the charismatic movement was very big at our campus parish, so that, of course, was going to weigh things in the direction of er, Spirit-led spontaneity.

The only “written” spiritual guides we used - perhaps sharing them, reciting them together, or using them as meditation starters - were popular books by, for example, Henri Nouwen and Hugh Prather - and there’s another guy who wrote poetry…and I can envision the book cover, but can’t remember the title or author. Did it have flowers on the cover? Probably.

"amy welborn"